
Hi there ! My name is George, and I am artist on the steps of working on his brand.

Primarily, I am tattoo artist specialised in geometric and illustrative work. You can find that I extend my artistic vision through acrylic paintings, linoprinting, and hopefully wood crafting at some point in the future.

I have different styles and inspirations based on the type of medium I create in, but the most inspiration is coming from electronic music, and the results can vary from traditional techniques and patterns to full-on abstract pieces.

This store is made to slowly build my brand, starting with linoprinting, and procedually going up to sharing paintings, clothing, and home decorations.

This first collection of items consists of the my first works into the linoprinting world, and a serie of 5 digital paintings that I've created during different stages of my isolation/lockdown periods of 2020.

For any tattoo enquiries please contact directly on my instagram page.